Sunday, March 23, 2014


Why does it feel like I am a tourist?

I promise I am not, but for some reason everything I do feels like just another picture of the same building. Whoa-that sounded weird, I mean... Why do I feel like everything I create isn't worth repeating, or looking at again? Why do I feel so insecure when I don't have any comments? 

Sometimes I don't feel like I should be in this class. I am not broken in the ways that everyone else is. 

I'm afraid of trying my hardest and it never being enough. I'm scared that doing my best, will be the same as somebody else's worst. I hope this never happens, but I feel like it already is. Because after reading something like dick tidrow and the devastation diaries, I wonder why I even thought I had a chance. 

But I have to at least try. 


  1. "Sometimes I don't feel like I should be in this class. I am not broken in the ways that everyone else is."
    Dude I liked the honesty. After reading Dick Tidrow, Devastation Diaries, Charlotte Charles, I feel the same way.

  2. "I am not broken in the ways that everyone else is." I keep coming back to this line. It really is one of the best lines I have read that says so much in so few words.

  3. And my heart constricts because I feel so connected to it.
