Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Biggest Fears...

Im afraid of outer space. I'm afraid of that feeling you get when you look straight up at night, and your suddenly engulfed by the giant unknown. 

I'm afraid of heights - wait no, not heights. I'm afraid of what the world looks like from heights; just endless ground colliding with endless sky. I'm afraid of feeling negligible-too small to even take notice.

I'm afraid of the ocean - or the deep parts of the ocean. I'm afraid that one day I will drown, and nobody will even notice me drifting away.

I'm afraid of moving out. I'm afraid that I will always make the wrong decision, and never become who I am supposed to become. That I will never reach my full potential, let alone a potential worth living for. 

I'm afraid of love. I'm afraid that I will fall in love with the wrong person. I'm afraid that I will never find the 'right' person. I'm afraid that I will eventually fall out of love, or forget how to love, or just never find it. 

I'm afraid of spiders. I'm even more afraid of egg sacs. I'm afraid that an egg sac will hatch in my room or my bed or my shower, and there will be millions of baby spiders all over the place.

I'm afraid of birds pooping on my head. I don't know why...

I'm afraid of growing up, and loosing creativity, and becoming boring. I'm afraid that in ten years I will regret everything and become someone I can't even recognize.


  1. So true. I just want "a potential worth living for".
    awesome post.

  2. You are so beautiful, and this post captures that. I share most of these fears... except for the bird poop. You're such a weirdo.
